aftermath about mannni boy?
ever wonder why famous people are really famous ? WHY manni is a manni ? why am i NOT a sponge bob ? or WHY am i "NOT" a super HERO ? the answere is simply you're dumb, D for dog, U for an umbrella, M for manni and B for a bum,(you could make it wutever you want too but bum isnt a bad option or is it ? ) , the thing is, YOU could make things workout for urself but you dont and why not ? bcuz .. ... .. i'm just too lazy to answere this right now ... plus, did you ever try to get ME ? no ??, ofcourse, i know, you know but again you dont know what i know, so im going to let you know, what i know, and then i'd know what you know and every one would know what we both know, great .... isnt it?
Opinion about tatafry:
But If your opinion of me includes the words: fucking idiot, lunatic, faggot, annoying, demi-god, Manni, b*&nchod(sister fucker), haramzada(TRANSLATION please), sarcastic bitch, swine...CONGRATULATIONS! you're not the only one who thinks of me this way.
Social Life:
I hate being social(if you're a GUY,i repeat guy, and only if ur ugly like markus *hint*hint*) and I'd rather have my genitals branded with a hot iron rather than indulge in small talk, but you never know,miracle does HAPPENS.
There are only a handful of people I really care for in the world. 70.12 % of them are in my friends list.
I'm overweight and frankly I don't give a rat's arse(thats how YOU all should be, no metrosexuals eh ? ).
All comments regarding obesity, ugliness and how I'm going to die of a heart attack when I'm 35 can be forwarded to
Past Life:
I believe in love as a concept but I believe most people don't find it. I don't want to marry and want to remain a bachelor and 18 forever. Relationships (gathered from the experiences of people around me) are a huge pain in the ass UNLESS you're in with some one worth who IS luckily ready to spend her/his beautiful crappy life with muself.
I believe I posess a fine sense of humor.
Pervert eh?:
OHHH. YES, i am one of a kind. I'm a filthy minded savage reprobate and I like myself just fine.
I have moodswings and there are periods when I can do without everyone else.
I don't think anyone really understands me and that includes me.
I value my privacy and jealously guard it. People who don't know when to leave me alone are welcome to "fuck off".
Rockazoid ?
I dont smoke and I know how to play a guitar. Now if I had good looks, I'd be on the road to rockstardom.
I don't believe in love at first sight, aliens, soulmates, looks > personality, money is everything (though it is a lot) and other such nonsense.
Always on the lookout for fraandshippers and other tards to fuck around with.
markus was uglly?? :\
I believe I posess a fine sense of humor (with a lil touch of pevertedness)
I have moodswings [VERY bad moodswings, very very bad :(]
you re overweight? :S
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