Welcome to the land of fraaandshippers.
The land of fraandshippers or shall I say orkut in other words is one of a kind where WE ALL get hooked up. thats a reality, you cant really wank off it from your last name because we all know, in or out of a way, we all love to do fraaaandships with the oppisite genders ? BUT WHY DO WE DO IT ? WHY DO WE LOVE THE LUST OF OPPISITE GENDER? because ... yeah, simply the answere is BECAUSE AMERICA wants us to do it ( I know americans, its hard for you to digest, and its for me aswell, seriously, believe me, im with you guys ... ) but this is WHAT America wants us to do it,eh ? we eat, because of america ? we drink, because of america ? we smoke, because of america ? we sleep, because of america ? we shit, because of america ? no i dont think so, we shit cuz we're a big FAT FRANDSHIPPPERS who loves to eat junk food, you cant compare shit with america because im sure, alot of us would say, shit is better ?but then it goes with our unique taste. *grin* but lets come back to the point, almost everyone of us had seen the movie named "my big fat fraaandshiper's wedding" now this is what we are talking now, the Art of FRAAANDSHIP and the art of making love through FRAAANDSHIP ( im interested in this one as LSE keeps me away from certain posterior things ) but lets start with the basics, how do you do FRAANDSHIPS ? and HOW FRAANDSHIP is HARAM in Islam, with the help of different personalities WE ( I and those famous personalities) would tell you that Fraandshipp is a nice thing to do and how is it haram in Islam. so here we go :
A journey through Fraaandshippers life :
now this is an overall picture WHICH explains the journey through a fraandshipper life, so here you go :
This is how the fraandshippper guy or a girl is like when they're young , i.e. YES, an exceptional case from the start, what I say is : NOT BAD AT ALL.
These are two diversified rich mother fuckers, eh ? OH DID I JUST ABUSE? yes I did, *runs away, and abuses gazillion of times again* ahan, now im back ... now this kind of abusing is HALAL, because acording to uncle Laden, against america, its Jihad, so right, im the jihadddiiii man. a jihadi man looks like this, the guy BELOW. but im not like this, but are'nt we all like this ? we're the fraandsheeper jihadi's. thats a truth.
and now lets move ahead, here we go , we have a new picture here.
now this what happens at the end of the day,when you make no fraaandsheeps, and in return you get pissed off and then you simply do what our ancestors have always done i.e. take a piss on microsoft.
This stage comes at the end, we RESULT our lovee for the sake of fraaandsheep as a pseudophile horror movie and you say : you not only love fraandsheep BUT you're an International Fraandsheeper Diploma Holder aswell.
NOW this is the LAST STEP : How Fraaandship is HARAAAM :
ACCORDING TO our brother Osama bin Laden, everything is haraaam, so fraandsheep is haraam as well. and since we could all see, he is ALSO on a journer for the sake of FRAANDSHEEEP.
will you fraandsheep me, love ?
hahaha, america ?;)
what a travesty! :/
oh princess, this is exactly what you could do when you're mind is sick, you've nothing to do at all and you just want to speak shit =D
Plus ZARA, this is NOT a travesty,please dont call it a travesty, but for a future journalist, this might be a travesty =S but you're never sure of, you still never paid me for that nandos thing. :P
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